Capriccio: difesa apotropaica
Photographic documentation
capriccio --- 1. ...voglia o idea, che ha del fantastico e dell'irragionevole, e per lo più nasce in modo subitaneo, per leggerezza di natura o per poca riflessione. Probabilmente da CAPRO animale di bizzarra natura, di corto cervello, ovvero come se dicesse cosa inattesa che balza dal cervello, quasi salto di capra…
2. Dicesi così anche quel tremore che scorre per le carni e fa arricciare i capelli per freddo, per febbre, o per orrore di checchessia.
capriccio (whim) --- 1. a desire or idea, both fantastic and irrational, which comes on suddenly, through lightness of nature or through little reflection. Probably from CAPRO (Goat) the animal of bizarre nature, dimwitted, or, as in saying of something unexpected that leaps from the mind, almost like a jumping goat ...
2. So too is called that tremor that runs through the body and curls the hair in reaction to cold, fever, or horror of anything. (My own liberal translation)
capriccio |kəˈprēCHēˌō, -CHō|noun ( pl. capriccios )a lively piece of music, typically one that is short and free in form.• a painting or other work of art representing a fantasy or a mixture of real and imaginary features.ORIGIN early 17th cent. (denoting a sudden change of mind): from Italian, literally ‘head with the hair standing on end,’ hence ‘horror,’ later ‘a sudden start’ (influenced by capra ‘goat,’ associated with frisky movement), from capo ‘head’ + riccio ‘hedgehog.’